Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Greninja EX tin Opening Reminder!!!!!!

Tk Pikachu Here and I just wanted to tell you guys that I did a Greninja EX tin opening and I got a sweet mega evolution pokemon!!!!! It was in a flashfire booster pack but sorry it was not mega Charizard X or Y! It had the same hp as mega Charizard X and more than the Y version. I never thought I could pull that good of a card in tin or pack! By the Way, if anyone wants to trade me, you just have to comment or PM me and tell me your address. Also, if you have any ideas for what videos you want me to do next, just tell me in the comment section of my videos and tell me what you want to watch. Anyways ,Happy New Year guys and hope you have a great Christmas with some more sweet Mega and EX cards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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